Friends of Stonebraker Ranch
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Establishing Partnerships with Idaho Fish and Game and collaborative people and organizations
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It is apparent that this historical backcountry ranch has great potential for current and future generations of Idahoans as well as visitors to our state, providing a place where visitors can gain a greater understanding and appreciation of early Idaho homesteading life. Currently, the Idaho Fish and Fame have summer caretakers who are taking care of the land, buildings and airstrip.

In September, 2016 Representatives from Idaho Heritage Trust and interested Friends met with Idaho Fish and Game to explore restoration and opening of access to Stonebraker Ranch. (click for Report)

Idaho Fish and Game was very receptive to exploring the options. In November of 2016, Director Virgil Moore of the Idaho Fish and Game took the first step by authorizing Idaho Heritage Trust for a feasibility study on the historical barn. 

On June 21st, as part of the Idaho Heritage Trust Technical Assistance Program, a site visit and review of historical documents and photographs was initiated. A report was submitted to Idaho Fish and Game and interested parties on October 24, 2017.  (click for Report)

Currently, Idaho Fish and Game will need to determine their ability to partner in the restoration.  The level of public interest, supportive organizations and potential volunteer resources that are presented will be the determining factor in establishing partnerships for this project. Between 2017 and 2019, The Idaho Fish and Game has completed several key maintenance items. They have developed a reliable water source which allows for continued use of the homestead.  The relocation and rebuilding of the corral is another step in the use by backcountry outfitters and packers.  See the 2019 Update (click for report)

Collaborative Organizations and Potential Partners
Potential Options for Projects at Stonebraker Ranch
Idaho Heritage Trust has been involved in the advocacy for preservation/restoration and has provided the feasibility study on the barn.  

Idaho Aviation Association has been working with Idaho Fish and Game to clarify the access of backcountry airstrip.  IAA is a valuable partner in many aspects of this project. i.e. transporting, providing volunteers and generating enthusiasm.

​Energy and Natural Resources, Stephen Goodson
Paul Shepherd, State Legislator, District 7B
Idaho Heritage Trust, Katherine Kirk, Director
Idaho Heritage Trust, Historical Architect, Fred Walters
Idaho Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Alan Sands
State Historical Preservation Office, Trish Canaday
Selway-Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation, Larry Swan
Treasure Valley Back Horseman Association, Terry Burgess
Idaho Aviation Foundation, Al Hoyt
Recreational Aviation Foundation. Mike Hart
National Forest Service – Krassel Ranger District, Anthony Botello,
National Forest Service – Challis District,  Jay Sammner 
Richard Holm, Author of Bound for the Backcountry (aviation history in Idaho)
Doug Timms, Author of Merciless Eden, and co-owner of Campbell's Ferry (Historical Site)

Several options, listed below, could be the start for this process: 

​•Allowance by IDF&G to place on the National Register of Historical Places, SHIPO or volunteers
Architectural evaluation, Idaho Heritage Trust - October 2017
Post-era trash cleanup and removal, Backcountry Horseman Association and Idaho Aviation Assoc.
Stabilization of structures, Selway-Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation
Develop or restore reliable water source, GEM pumps, Emmet Idaho
Airstrip maintenance, Idaho Aviation Association
Timber cleanup and maintenance, volunteers
Long-term preservation of homestead equipment, Idaho Heritage Trust, volunteers
•      Kiosk or Informational Plaques or signs, Idaho Heritage Trust, volunteers
Potential Options for Restored Use
Once these collaborative relationships are established, further outreach will be made by groups and individuals, bringing additional partnerships with people and organizations passionate about restoring a valuable asset for its many uses. Potential options for restored use include: 

Education and hands-on frontier experiences
Wilderness and homestead museum
Limited special use by groups for lectures, book signings and/or educational awareness of back-country
        homesteading practices
Gatherings for celebration of historical events
Hands -on experience with horse-drawn implements – logging, haying and construction
Organizations- such as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts - to utilize camping facilities and tour historical
        homesteading buildings and implements
Retreat facility for appropriate organizations, (spiritual, photographic, journalism, etc.)
Wildlife viewing and habitat study
Virtual classroom projects

The buildings’ historic character emphasizes the sense of time and place associated with them, highlighting their significance.